işletme onay no: TR-2700112
onay verileri: 23.06.2023
Bu Bir Ilaç Değildir
Bu Bir Premikstir
Tedavi Amacıyla Kullanılmaz
This Is Not Medicine
This Is A Feed Premix
It Can Not Be Used For Treatment
Proucition date : HV 202307
Expiry date : 07.2023
Batch No : 07.202



Usage : To meet the mineral need ; In poultry : 2.55- liters
per ton of drinking water , For horses , cattle , calves ,
calves , sheep and goats : It is used by adding 2.5 L to 1 ton
of drinking water . Amount of premixed water to be
consumed daily according to animal type : In calves , calves
, sheep and goats : It should not exceed 0,3 L. Horse and
cattle : Not to exceed 0,5 L. For safety , respiratory
protection , goggles , gloves and protective clothing must
be worn . Humidity : 85 % Storage : Store in a cool and dry
place out of direct sunlight . Net weight : 1000 ml plastic
bottle / Lot No and Date of manufacture . It should be used
within twenty – four ( 24 ) months from the date of
manufacture . If the copper level in the feed exceeds 10 mg
/ kg , poisoning may occur in certain breeds . – If the copper
level in the feed is below 20 mg / kg after the start of
rumination in cattle , copper deficiencies are seen in cattle
grazing in meadows and pastures with high molybdenum
and sulfur levels .


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