şletme onay no: TR-2700112
onay verileri: 23.06.2023
Bu Bir Ilaç Değildir
Bu Bir Premikstir
Tedavi Amacıyla Kullanılmaz
This Is Not Medicine
This Is A Feed Premix
It Can Not Be Used For Treatment
Proucition date : HV 202307
Expiry date : 07.2023
Batch No : 07.2026



Dextrose 41%
Sodium Chloride 10%
Potassium Chloride (E508) 3,3%
Calcium Chloride (E509) 1,27%
Magnesium Chloride (E511) 0,48%
Citric Acid 10gr
Glycine 100.000mg
BHT 100mg
Ethoxyquin 950mg
Distilled Water qsp
Liquid electroly source . Prevents dehydration during
transportation . Provides uniformity in cold house conditions . It
prevents sudden heat shock and ensures a good start to the
house . and energy Reduces shipping fatalities and road waste in
cold weather .
Target Type / Recommended Dose Poultry : 12- L / ton of water
Race Horses : 25- ml / 10 kg BW Pregnant Mare – Foal : 13- ml /
kg Bw / 1 Lt of water Calves : 13- ml / kg C.A / 1 Lt water


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