1 LT
Vitamin A (E672)
Vitamin D3 (E671)
Vitamin E (3a700) (All-rac-alpha-tocopherly-acetate)
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine Moohydrate)
Vitaminb2 (Riboflavine)
Vitamin B6 (Pridoxine Hci)
Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamine)
Trace Elments
Iron (E1) (Ironsulphate Eptahydrated)
Iodine (E2) Calicium Lodate Anhydrous)
Copper (E4) (Cupric Sulphate)
Manganese (E5) (Manganese Sulphate)
Zinc (E6) (Zinc Sulphate)
Selenium (E8) (Sodium Selenite)
Natural Or Corresponding Synthetic Chemically
Deined Flaveuring (Aminoacids)
Monohydrate L-lysine (3.2.3)
Dl-methionine (3.3.1)
L-treoine (3.3.1)
Aspartic Acid Gultamic Acid Alanine
L-arginine (3c3. Cystine Phenylalanine
Glycine Isoleucine L-hystidine (3c3.5.1)
Leucine Proline Serine
Tyrosine L- Triptophane (3.4.1) Valine (3c3.7.1)
PURPOSE OF USAGE : Increases body resistance infectious diseases
an stress situations such as heat , col , humidity , transportation , vaccination ,
regrouping . * Increases eggshell quality , productivity and hatchhability .t prevents
inflammation , hemorrhagic diathesis , exudative conditions , allergies and poisoning .
* Supports the live system Strengthens the immune system . Increases feed efficiency .
* Strengthens the skeletal system . Increases resistance to diseases . * Meets vitamin
and mineral requirements in diarrhea and thirsr . It minimizes the slowdown in growth
, the decreases in fertility and productivity , and prevents the appearance of lines and
gray colors in the chest muscles as a result of oxidative stress .
Ruminants : 250500- ml per 1000 Lt of water for 23- days . * In dairy cows : (
Laktasyon ) 1020- ml ( 815- extrusion ) * In beef cattle : 510- ml ( 48- extrusion ) * In
calves : 25- mk ( 24- extrusion ) * In sheep and goats : 2 ml ( 2 extrusion ) * In lambs and
goat : 1 ml ( extrusion )
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